Big Policy Canvas Research Roadmap

[...] * Visualisation tools are still largely designed for analyst and are not accessible to non‐experts. Intuitive interfaces and devices are needed to interact with data results through clear visualisations and meaningful representations. User acceptability is a challenge in this sense, and clear comparisons with previous systems to assess its adequacy.
Χρήστος Κοντζίνος
Although user involvement and acceptance is important in policy making, putting too much emphasis on it can put you on the risk of over-simplifying the tools. In which case they are more suitable for citizens but less for the experts.
Χρήστος Κοντζίνος, 19/07/2019 11:34
Evmorfia Biliri
Nicely put Χρήστος Κοντζίνος. There are however tools, even from H2020 projects (e.g. BigDataOcean) that might be capable of bridging (at least to an extent) the gap.
Evmorfia Biliri, 24/07/2019 14:56
Emmanouil Ntanos
Another approach would be to look into two, or even three, tiers of visualisation tools for different types of users: experts and analysts, decision makers (which are usually not technical experts but must understand the results, make informed decisions and communicate their rationale), and the general public. Visualisation for the general public will support buy-in for the resulting policies as well as the practice of data-driven policy making in general.
Emmanouil Ntanos, 25/07/2019 17:09