Big Policy Canvas Research Roadmap
[...] * Open Data are defined as data which is accessible with minimal or no cost, without limitations as to user identity or intent. Therefore, this means that data should be available online in a digital, machine readable format. Specifically, the notion of Open Government Data concerns all the information that governmental bodies produce, collect or pay for. This could include geographical data, statistics, meteorological data, data from publicly funded research projects, traffic and health data.
I like your approach. However, many consider formats like pdf as open data - although they do not match the description here.
Evmorfia Biliri, 26/09/2019 09:20
In addition, minimal costs still is a cost! Thus, i would think that "cheap" data are not open data.
Evmorfia Biliri, 26/09/2019 09:21
See: Virkar, S., Viale Pereira, G. (2018) Exploring Open Data State-of-the-Art: A Review of the Social, Economic and Political Impacts. Parycek et. al. Electronic Government EGOV2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.11020. Springer, Cham.
Shefali Virkar, 30/09/2019 13:22