Big Policy Canvas Research Roadmap

[...] * An interesting topic of research is the integration of open government data, participatory sensing and sentiment analysis, as well as visualization of real-time, high-quality, reusable open government data. Other avenues of research include the provision of quality, cost-effective, reliable preservation and access to the data, as well as the protection of property rights, privacy and security of sensible data.
Moreover, a procedural stack to ensure the application of the 5-star principles for Open Data, as much as possible.
cristian.lai, 12/09/2019 10:43
Gianluca Misuraca
Public services should be seen as a dynamic service, which is likely to change over time and has to fit citizens with totally different expectations and backgrounds. Public administrations will have to understand that there often is not a one-size fit all and that they will have to adapt and change their services when the need arises.
Gianluca Misuraca, 25/09/2019 18:01
Shefali Virkar
The application of HPC tools and techniques to the extraction and aggregation of meaningful information from data are particularly relevant in this context.
Shefali Virkar, 30/09/2019 13:28