Big Policy Canvas Research Roadmap
[...] * The public administration is in its origin an important advisor of the political system and is not to be underestimated in this context, since the administration owns meaningful data, which should be considered profoundly in political decision making. In addition, the roles and responsibilities of public administrations as data providers must be discussed and clarified.
This is an important research consideration. For a discussion of the role of government in data trading, see: See: Virkar S., Viale Pereira G., Vignoli M. (2019) Investigating the Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Implications of Data Trading. Lindgren I. et al. (eds) Electronic Government. EGOV 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11685.Springer, Cham.
Shefali Virkar, 30/09/2019 13:42